When I started the channel I wanted to create video overviews of each season I had completed, eventually I dropped the idea as it took too long to make a video per season I had reacted to but below you can find them. I ended up naming them After Show Thoughts as a pun on my name. Below there is also some reviews from movies and TV shows I've seen in my own time, some in videos and some in writing.



This is a breakdown of the Charmed Reboot trailer before the series came out.

I have reacted to the series as well up until the end of season 3 which I have decided to stop.

YouTube Charmed Reboot reactions will be located here.

Patreon Charmed Reboot reactions will be located here.


2 seasons of After Show Thoughts on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Click the thumbnail for those videos.


2 seasons of After Show Thoughts on Arrow.

Click the thumbnail for those videos.


2-6 seasons of After Show Thoughts on Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 1-3 seasons of Angel.

Click the thumbnail for those videos.


5 seasons of After Show Thoughts on Supernatural.

Click the thumbnail for those videos.


4 seasons of After Show Thoughts on The Vampire Diaries.

Click the thumbnail for those videos.


I made notes about Lucifer 5A. 

I posted these on Discord and I made them on my phone so they're a bit messy.

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


Overall I feel like it was MEDIOCRE and at times... a bit boring. OH AND ONE MORE THING. I feel like Lucifer being in hell... wasn't really that big of a cleanup. Like no consequences or anything. It was just sweeped under the rug and he's ok to be out again... idk it was a huge cliffhanger for no reason



I made notes about Lucifer 5B. 

I posted these on Discord and I made them on my phone so they're a bit messy.

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


Episode 1 (I am classing these as episodes 1-8 as its confusing otherwise) Started out alright. I re read my thoughts from 5a that I had and it was interesting to remember as I forgot half of what happened lol. I think Lucifer refusing to say I love you to Chloe is really fucking stale. We are on season 5 we are done with the angst at this point. I did like the family dinner though. Linda was a highlight.

Episode 2 started and I had an uneasy thought. I had heard there would be a musical episode and was in the middle of looking up what episode it would be to prepare and the singing begun lol  It feels really random and out of place. They just had a really anticlimactic tension high episode and its followed by a musical. Weird decision. The balls of Chloe telling God off was fucking great. The police song is great but ruined by that random lady. Why couldn't it have just been Lucy singing. The woman was horrible. Dan meeting God was funny. Cringe but in a good way. Maze and Ella song doesn't mesh well they're two different tempos. Dan was a highlight freaking out about sleeping with gods wife. This musical episode makes no sense and the songs are bizarre, they don't seem character centric more spectacle. None of the songs were original and all the songs to me seemed meh. This is by far the worst musical episode I've seen so far honestly. It would be okay if this was gods unintentional power, like everyone be comes into contact with sings, but it seems singled out only to this one episode so it just seems bizarre. It would be annoying if it was all the time but it just seems inconsistent idk its weird.

I think my notes get messy from here God exploded Dan??? And put him back together what the fuck



I made notes for each season of Lucifer season 6.

I made these while watching the season and so they are a bit messy and they're pretty reactionary, thoughts in the moment and such.

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!













I watched this show and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

On the weekend, I like to spend time watching things on my own or playing games, the previous weekend I watched a new Amazon Prime show called "Panic". It had 10 episodes and I managed to watch all 10! It was very good and I'd recommend it if you're in the mood for a binge. I wasn't too keen on it to begin with, I wasn't going to watch it as it seemed like a scary show. It was not a scary show at all, it was quite complex and a lot of fun to watch. 

It's about a town where everyone's kind of poor and the only way out of the town (not that they're trapped but they want to leave the town and get a life type of thing) but the only way to do that is to play a game where they do challenges and the previous year had 2 people get killed and it's kind of a mystery behind the game and the deaths and stuff. I'm really not doing it justice but it was a lot of fun!



I watched this show and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I was waiting for the final season of Attack on Titan to come out in English and I wasn't sure if I wanted to wait for the full season to be out (in 2022) or just watch the first half now. I decided to watch it on the weekend and MY GOD WAS IT GOOD. I cannot wait for the end of the series. It's by far one of the best anime shows I've seen. IMDB even gave one of the episodes a 10/10 and they've done that like 4 times in history. Such a good show. Would recommend.



I watched this show and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I watched the last second half of Re:Zero season 2 on the weekend. It was a lot of fun, I saw the rest of the show a few months back and so it took me a minute to grasp what was going on haha.

If you're interested in "Re:Zero - Starting a life in a new world" it's about a guy who has resets in his day(s) in a magical world and it's a really interesting anime that plays with the groundhog day formula. 



I watched this show for the first time and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I watched season 1 of Dr. Stone over the weekend. I've been watching a lot more Anime on my own time and this one is great! I was hooked right from the start. The whole world just gets petrified into stone and this one teenage prodigy scientist breaks free and must re-invent and colonize the world again after it's been over 3,000 years. He manages to de-petrify a few people and it's just overall really fascinating. I'll be watching season 2 as soon as I can. 

10 billion percent worth watching!



When making thumbnails or working on other things that don't require being on camera, I like to put something on in the background and while sifting through Disney+ I came across Ellen. I originally saw this and was like, oh they have the classic Ellen talk show on Disney+ alright, this should be fun. However, this was actually a 90's sitcom that came before the classic Ellen talk show that we all have come to know now. Ellen was a series that began in 1994 and ran for 108 episodes ending in 1998 about Ellen and her friends around her.

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


I decided to give it a go and have it on in the background, I have some things to talk about in regards to the series but keep in mind, I was paying half my attention elsewhere as well.

Ellen was a series that began in 1994 and ran for 108 episodes ending in 1998 about Ellen and her friends around her.


The pilot began and it was very strange as it didn't feel like a pilot as nothing really changed at the beginning of the show to signify a beginning, instead it just started the series as though it was in the middle of a season or something which was alright, we don't need a pilot episode for every show. 

The show had Maggie Wheeler in it!!! JANICE FROM FRIENDS, I loved it!! Her characters name was Anita and there was a ginger named Holly that was also Ellens friend in the first season, Ellen also had a male roommate named Adam and I felt like the dynamic between them all was great. I guess I was wrong? Because the producers felt differently. 

The beginning of the second season they just completely replaced both Holly and Anita with two different characters entirely and I don't think it's ever even mentioned. For the rest of the show we get Paige and Audrey and oh my god were they infuriating. Audrey had a really nail piercing chalk scratching annoying voice and Paige was just unbelievably unlikable with no morals whatsoever. I have no idea why they decided to replace the two better characters but I guess this is what we get. Eventually Adam gets replaced as well but he's written out of the show at least in a way that acknowledges him which is nice I guess and we get Spence, Ellen's cousin? I don't really have much to say about him because I just didn't care. 

Now to talk about Ellen herself. She's a bookstore owner and rambles a lot. I'm in 2021 watching this and I grew up knowing that Ellen had come out on TV as gay and my whole life I've just known she's as such so it was absolutely jarring when the series began and she was in straight relationships. It took me a minute to realize she's playing a character in a TV show as it just felt weird having her be hetero. Anyway, she had multiple relationships over the series one of which was heating up quite heavily and then all of a sudden, that just disappeared as well. 

This show tends to do that which I find hard to care about anything in a show when something I care about just disappears ya know? I think it was season 3 or 4 where Ellen is just completely single not even trying to date when I started to realize okay she's gonna come out soon...  It wasn't until nearly the end of season 4 that she came out and from there onward that was all the show could talk about. Which is fine I guess, I just feel like when a show revolves around one topic... especially when it's a topic that's talked about better in this day and age, it just feels like a slog to get through. She comes out in one episode, the next episode she tells her parents and they don't approve but by the end they do and that was compelling to see, then the next episode her homophobic boss doesn't accept her and that never gets resolved which was important to see as not everybody will accept you as an LGBTQ+ member and that's just awful and sadly reality.  

I think if they had done the final season (season 5) the way they'd done the rest of the seasons it would have been fine but from then onward it's all about the fact that Ellen is gay. She lost her identity as a character and her only traits are that she rambles and she's gay. It was just disappointing to see. 5x01 - She tells an old friend she's gay and deals with some attraction to him. 5x02 - Ellen goes after her attractive spin class instructor. 5x03 - Ellen looks into a new roommate which she thinks means they're also gay. This is just 3 episodes in a row that I've talked about here and it goes on and on. 

Nothing about this show means anything in its final season and it's probably why it didn't continue on any longer. I don't know.  Don't get me wrong these are all important topics, especially at the time of the series airing, it just feels like the show had devolved into a show about a gay character rather than a show with friends hanging out and there happening to be a gay character. I hope that makes sense.

All and all, kinda disappointing but I wasn't expecting much. 



I wanted to react to this show, but I knew I had no time to do so. I decided to watch it in my spare time instead because it was killing me not to watch it and let me say, I LOVED it! It's an animated show, but don't let that fool you. It's rated R18+ and is super gory. Only 8 episodes!

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


I found the story to begin a little slow but it didn't disappoint. I wasn't a fan of Amber, honestly she came across kinda moody and unlikable. Much preferred Atom Eve (Samantha). The new guardians of the globe were kinda shit in comparison to the Justice League rip off ones and it was nice to see a hero struggling to be the best rather than just being the best immediately. I couldn't believe how many voice actors I recognized, guys... ZACHARY QUINTO WAS IN THIS.... SYLAR FROM HEROES MY GUYS. AND AND AND EZRA MILLER FOR LIKE A ONE OFF VOICE ROLE and of course J. Jonah Jameson as Omni-Man Like this was great. I only wish that after Robot was turned into a boy, that his voice was still Sylar. I found the Clones quite good villains, quite likable honestly... more than Amber at least. I liked the mystery behind why Omni-Man killed the guardians of the globe, I didn't actually expect it. I thought it was because he lost his soul due to his son getting powers or something. (I clearly watch too much TV lol). The pop songs during the show were a bit jarring if im honest but I got use to it. Anyone know why Atom Eve's costume is like the way it is? I am curious. 

I gotta say I'm excited to see what's planned for the next 2 seasons... yup it was renewed for 2 seasons!




This is a review of the movie Avengers: Infinity War. There will be spoilers.

I wrote down notes after watching Avengers: Infinity War after release and the notes I made are linked here.

I wrote down notes after watching Avengers: Endgame a second time after release and the notes I made are linked here.

I would list the whole thing here, but it's a very detailed review with it being split into chapter segments, the link will take you to another page :)



I watched this movie for the first time and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I saw Black Widow last night at the Drive in theater. (In case you don't have that where you live, it's a theater where you go in your car to watch movies). The night was so cold that we had to constantly turn on the demisters in the car all throughout the movie.

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


The movie was okay. It took me far too long to realize the kid at the start of the movie was Natasha. I thought it was a boy... In my defense, the my windscreen was constantly blurry. I don't like that they X-Men Origins: Wolverine'd the intro sequence to the movie. In which they montage'd over the shit we wanted to see in a Black Widow film. I liked the banter between Yelena and Natasha, that felt real to me. I think some of the stunts were a bit over the top and should have killed Natasha but didn't. A Widow looks like shes paralyzed from the same fall that Nat has (Nat fell arguably worse as she hit things on the way down but was fine). Is she inhunman now? I liked Yelena, I thought Taskmaster was incredibly underutilized and Red Guardian even more so. They set up a fight between Red Guardian and Taskmaster and we never got to see it??? (idk maybe I went to the bathroom when it happened). Red Guardian felt like a joke of a character and I gotta ask why? Are men now a joke in film today? Just something to ponder. The action sequence at the end with the red room in the sky was boring (why was it in the sky? how is that hard to see???). No stakes because we know whats going to happen, no consequences to Nat breaking her nose. I think it's a cop out for the other Widows to be mind controlled, takes away from their actions. I think this movie is a too little too late. Idk maybe I'll like it better on a second viewing but it was hard to watch while the car was really cold inside and maybe that added to the criticism I had. 



I watched this movie again for the first time in ages and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I saw Kal Penn on The Big Bang Theory which reminded me that he was in these movies (I originally watched when I was younger) and decided to revisit them and my god are they so far from todays standards. Did I find them funny? At times yes. Do they hold up well? Not really, a lot of the jokes were very offensive to todays standpoint, but I couldn't help but enjoy them as I generally turn my brain off and just enjoy movies and TV for what they were back then. 

I want to rewatch A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas as well this upcoming weekend. That one I saw only a few years ago as we decided it would be our Christmas Movie that year. 



I watched this movie again for the first time in ages and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

Didn't get around to watching this last week with the rest but I managed to do it on the weekend. The absurdist humor was hilarious, but a little over the top this time round. 



I watched this movie and had some thoughts on what I thought about it and here they are. 

I also watched Cruella, it was meh. I feel like they named it Cruella and it was not even a story about her in the slightest. As a movie it was fine, as a origin story it was nowhere near true to the character. I feel it was click bait to get people to watch the film. I'm a little disappointed as they made Cruella too likable as a character and never fully committed to the whole villain angle. Not to mention they made Roger look like an idiot in the end, I won't spoil it but if you have seen it I am sure you know what I am talking about. 

7/10 as a film, but as an origin story for a villain would have to give it a 3/10!


I watched this movie in my own time and expected to hate it based on what I'd heard from reviews online. However, I noticed 20 minutes into the film that I was genuinely enjoying myself. I had heard that the singing was awful and sounded like cats torturing each other and I am shocked to hear that to be honest because the talent here was incredible. I mean the film has Camila Cabello and Idina Menzel... as in Elsa from Frozen. How could people say that the singing was terrible. Anyway, it's all opinion based regardless. 

Read more by clicking the drop down menu below - beware of spoilers though!


When I started the movie and the singing began I was a bit eh about it. I'm not huge on musicals, but they can get me excited. I went to see Into the woods and hated the experience due to the amount of singing in that and would you have it, James Corden was in that as well. I will say though, a few songs in and when Camila began singing I was hooked. I've never really listened to her music before but I was impressed by her vocal range. When she sings at the beginning of the movie, I noticed she was lip syncing quite badly but it seems this only occurred in the one song because the rest she sang really well and I believed all of the actors were singing their songs and it wasn't ADR even though it kinda was. 

The Prince when he started to sing "Somebody to love" I was like, of course they had this song in it. It just felt very obvious but I'd never seen this actor before and his vocals were lovely, it was at this point in the film where I realized I was having a good time and decided to write notes. Side note, the actress playing his mother was in Ella Enchanted which was another re-telling of Cinderella and even more coincidental, they sang "Somebody to love" in that film as well. Weird right? I liked the gag where Cinderella was on the statue and the Prince was enamoured with her from that awkward moment. I love awkward characters, I am awkward, I RELATE. I also noticed the dancing in the song was super goofy but I liked it. The idea for the Prince to have a sister that would be the motivation for him becoming king is an interesting choice, the first of many changes they made that I found quite refreshing. The Prince has definitely been given more personality here which is great because typically the Prince in Cinderella is a bit bland.

I was disappointed in Material Girl being Idina Menzel's song. I hate that song in general and to have one of the best singers sing it and I still don't like it, well I wish it was another song for the fabulous Idina. It made sense to her character but I just hate the song. 

I like that Cinderella wants to be a dress maker, kinda makes sense to be honest. The banter between Cinderella and the Prince was sweet and adorable, I could definitely see the chemistry there. I'd have loved to see more. I like that she didn't want to go to the ball just to find love, that it was for another reason as well. I noticed that she drew the same dress idea several times and scrapped it all. The fact that the step-mother promised her to somebody else was a clever way to get her out of the way and to keep her from going to the ball, I liked it. 

The Caterpillar being the fairy Godmother was a bit odd. They decided to make the fairy Godmother a male, or would they identify as a female since mother usually means female? Sorry. I'm a little unclear about this, it was an interesting decision that I don't think affects the movie in a negative way, I guess it displays that anyone can be magical. It was a nice message nonetheless. Apologies if the talk of pronouns have upset anyone reading this, I was just unsure how to tackle talking about the subject. I am still learning. I think to be safe, I'll use the pronoun they/their, the fairy Godmother uses their magic to put Cinderella in a pant suit which made me giggle but there was so little magic used in that moment that I thought they were cheaping out in this scene and I was disappointed due to this being the big epic transformation scene but they didn't. They did some magic with the petals and made it look epic as hell and I loved it. Side note though, the poster she has a purple dress but the dress in the film was white? Weird choice. I liked the issue with the glass slippers being uncomfortable, using magic to make them better was a nice touch. I find it odd that the fairy Godmother made the Prince be able to recognize her, I mean story wise it made sense as he talked of introducing her to people that she could make dresses for (which he doesn't do by the way) but the idea of the clock strikes midnight and running away for him to find her doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he just recognizes her from the get go. idk weird choice.

The step-mother sucking up to Cinderella was fun to watch, the mice interacting with each other as humans - them talking about how to relieve themseleves and talking to the horse was overall very funny. I really liked Cinderella trying to explain that she made the dress she was wearing as it was extremely relatable to me. If you know me at all you know I stumble over words A LOT. It was super awkward when the Prince was talking about how he had his eye on someone that wasn't even there to ALL the girls wanting his affection. Also, I couldn't help but notice the bald black I'm assuming princess that was part of the dance around the prince and his friends. My eye kept going to her, she seems to have stood out compared to the rest of them. I kinda liked it. Pick her! 

When Cinderella finds out that the Prince was the man she met on the street and he shows her that hes acknowledging not only his sister, but Cinderellas wonderful dress design, I honestly loved it. It was genuinely very sweet, the Princess was wearing one of her dresses. I was wondering what he'd do with the dress, it didn't even occur to me that it was for his sister. The fact that Cinderella had a choice between her dream and the Prince was very different, I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. The Prince helping her escape was strange because if her dress disappeared then he'd see the girl he'd met in the town which he already knew was her so it was weird that she was even trying to run away at the strike of midnight. I mean it would have made more sense if the step family was coming home at that time as well but that wasn't the case. This whole part didn't work for me. 

I like that the step-mother had a talk with Cinderella about dreams and how hers caused her to lose her husband. When she finds out that it was Cinderella that was at the girl at the ball she actually tells her to become Queen which was VERY different. Advocating her to become the Queen rather than keeping her away from it, I mean it was for her own selfishness, to have wealth and such but still VERY different. 

The Kings turnaround on the arranged marriage situation was needed and it was cute that he was serenading his wife at the end which BY THE WAY QUEEN CAN SING. Why didn't she sing earlier!? The Prince deciding to follow Cinderella on her dreams of being a dress maker rather than becoming King and allowing his sister to take his place on the throne was also very different. She had some interesting ideas and could potentially make a good ruler, very progressive and I can see people probably taking issue with this but I dunno, it worked for me.

Overall, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. I might even watch it again, but I definitely will be listening to most of the songs on Spotify when getting ready for tomorrows recordings.
